Dec 13, 2020, 05:37 AM
VGMdb Administrator
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Italy
Posts: 1,345
- Added Artist Drafts, allowing all users to submit linked artists to the moderation queue for a quicker and more accurate approval process.
See this thread for more info on how to use this new system.
- Added new role system to albums.
Removed the 4 legacy artist fields from albums (Composer, Arranger, Performer, Lyricist).
Replaced the 4 fields in the advanced search with a more flexible search option for all roles.
- Added Artist History to album/product/release.
This will track all the changes to the credits now that the old text fields are gone.
- Added "Original" field for unlinked artists names.
This field should be used when romanizing an artist not added in the database, in order to preserve the original Japanese credit and help with linking the artist in the future.
- Added Education fields to artists: Major, Alma Mater and Graduation Year.
- Added more options for artist searches to Advanced Search, including all new roles.
- Added a maintenance search for legacy roles to album and product search.
- Added an "Add Alias" option to the Edit Artist menu to quickly create a new alias linked to that entry.
- "Alias" and "Unit Alias" pages now inherit all fields and the portrait from the parent entry.
It's still possible to set fields on aliases (for example, a different twitter account or a different portrait), but they should usually be left empty.
- The unlinked artist suggestion box has been improved to handle the new "Original" name field.
When the suggestion matches only 1 artist along with one or more of their aliases, the box will appear with a lighter shade of blue and the apply checkbox will be selected by default.
- Added a "Suggest Link" option to artists (available to trusted+) to quickly look up albums and products to link to new artists, searching the unlinked artist links, notes and legacy fields.
- The comment text is now required for everyone (including trusted+) when submitting a new album.
- Moved recent artist links in a separate Credits tab in the Recent Updates page. The product names are also now shortened when too long.
- Added the time an album was added to your collection when hovering on the disc image on the left. This only appears to you on your collection.
- Added Meiryo as a fallback font to fix the rendering of some character on Chrome/Windows. For example, 今 was rendered as a Chinese character.
- The submit Artist/Organization pages now have all the fields that are in the edit page.
- Links in the recent updates and modqueue from supported websites are now displayed the same way they are in albums.
- Links are now auto-archived for all categories.
- Added image zoom on the "Manage Covers" page.
- Image zoom on the Covers page now requires CTRL+mousewheel instead of just mousewheel.
- Improved artist suggestions when linking them as unit members.
- Mass Add can now set the original name and suffix for the artists in the format "name [original] (suffix)". There are two new options to disable this behavior.
- Improved Mass Add handling of "at" roles.
- Improved Mass Add role matching for roles with a Japanese alias.
- Fixed the Mass Add parser not picking up separators if they aren't lowercase.
- Fixed reject media edits messages not appearing in the history.
- Fixed history pages not showing the comment under certain conditions.
- Fixed page count for the collection list page.
- Fixed an issue when trying to set a unit for an unlinked artist.
- Fixed an issue with the credit count when linking an artist to the same role for BGM and Songs, but with a different role alias.
- Added missing Brazilian flag for product releases.
- Added AKIBA-HOBBY, akibaoo, Grep Shop, animate, BookMate, Gamers, Black Screen Records, Ship to Shore Media, The Yetee and MANDARAKE shop icons (thanks Fivda!)
- Improved the performance for the user profile pages.
- Added an internal linking system on artist and album pages. For example, [artist=1]ZUN[/artist] would link to ZUN (artist id 1). The [artist] link only works on artist pages and [album] only on album pages.
- Added a staff tool to search for albums with unassigned artists in the legacy fields.
- Added a staff tool to search for artist aliases with the same fields as the parent.
We've also opened an official Bug/Feature Request tracker on Github: